MLS of Southern Arizona
PDF Reports
2025 January Market Overview
Summary Report on MLSSAZ/Tucson AoR/GVSAR residential markets.
Market Activity/Market Pricing/Buyer Demand/Inventory
Q4 2024 Year-End & Quarterly Report
Summary Report on MLSSAZ market region.
25-Year Lookback:
DATA Tools

Know your market with customized, real-time data
by region, county, city, zip code, property type, or price range.
Support your decisions with "property-level" infographics & real-time market data at each stage in your transaction.
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Find buyer/seller opportunities now within the geographies and price ranges you serve.
Median Sale Price- The median value for all Closed Price amounts in a given month. This calculation is preferred over "average" as it may reduce skew in smaller data sets when outliers are present.
Days on Market- The number of days a listing is on the market, as defined by MLS business rules. Generally, calculated from list date to pending date. Median value is used exclusively for this metric.
Total Building Size- The total square footage (SqFtTotal) of the structure (per RESO data dictionary).
Average % Closed Over Asking Price- This value is calculated for each sale as (Closed Price-List Price)/List Price. An average of all values in a given month is provided to measure the strength of buyer demand in the market.
Months of Supply- This value is calculated as Current # of Active Listings/# of Sales in the previous full month.
$/SqFt- This value is calculated as Close Price/Total Building Size.
# of New Listings- A count of all properties with a Listing Date notated in a given month (regardless of current status)
# of New Pendings- A count of all properties with a Purchase Contract Date (sometimes called Pending Date or Contract Date) notated in a given month (regardless of current status)
What is MLSSAZ DataPortal?
MLSSAZ DataPortal is a data and reporting platform designed to provide you with real-time access to information and insights on your local real estate markets.
Why might I use this platform?
The platform allows you to quickly gather and report on key data for your local real estate market and explore larger trends across the MLSSAZ market area. The tools make it easy to grab the data you need to support your transaction and communicate it in a simple, visual way for your client.
How might I use the MLSSAZ DataPortal?
Content for listing presentations
Data for negotiating
Setting expectations with clients
Validating a gut feeling with supporting data
Infographics for marketing material
General market knowledge
Printed reports for open houses
Snapshots for social media posts
Snapshots to reconnect with prospects
Market Reports
The Data
Where does the data come from?
All data is streamed in real-time via the MLSSAZ data feed into all reports in the system.
How often is the data updated?
Typically, new listings, sales, or pending transactions are updated daily into the reports (although only several dashboards in the "Dashboards" tools are set to show daily/weekly data).
When is the data for "Monthly Reports" complete?
Although data updates in real-time, often times sale records input into MLSSAZ from the previous month may still trickle in a week or 2 into the following month. For this reason, it may be most accurate to wait until the 10th-15th of the month to grab those market reports from the system.
What if data totals do not match those I see from other tools I use?
In some cases, total counts may differ slightly from those in other sources. This is usually due to the specific property subtypes included in each systems count or by certain filters MLSSAZ applies to eliminate records that may not be reflective of the larger market(i.e. transfers for $1 or large $ outliers) These situations will show a slight discrepancy in final counts but will not significantly influence larger market trends.
What if I have a question about a specific calculation or piece of data?
Any specific questions can be directed through the support contacts on this page.
Using the Portal
Can I use the data in my own marketing or reports?
How can I export the data?
A "download" button is available on all dashboards and reports to allow you export to PDF. Some reports may take up to 15 seconds depending on size.
A simple screen grab is easiest if you would like to clip particular element from the dashboard. This can done on Mac (Command + Shift+4) or PC (Windows + Shift +S).
Can I export the raw data to manipulate on my own?
Yes, each table or graph will have a triple dots button on the upper left (or simply right-click the graph) which will provide the option to export to CSV, Excel, or Google Sheets.
Can the portal be used on a mobile device?
The dashboards are not currently optimized to run searches on mobile.
However, both market reports and dashboards are sized for a perfect fit to be read and viewed on your device.
Simply drag/paste the content into email or your messaging app to send by text.
Can I resize the portal for easier viewing on my screen?
Yes, "full-screen" mode is preferred viewing option for most users.
This can easily be switched with the "Control-Command-F" keyboard shortcut.
Does the platform work on all browsers?
All dashboards and reports should function as intended on all of the most popular, newer browsers. Chrome, Safari, etc. If there is an instance where something appears to be not fitting/functioning correctly check to make sure you have the latest update completed. When Chrome or Safari is also available, it is recommended to use those as your primary browser when accessing the system.
What if the portal seems to be loading slowly?
As some queries are running large amounts of data, we have noticed that minimizing the number of windows you have open or simply restarting your browser can speed up certain dashboards significantly.
Calculate Appreciation
WHY: The question of a homeowner's appreciation since the purchase of their property is almost always of interest when considering selling. This tool allows you quickly pull data back to the year of their purchase and deliver accurate, thoughtful data on how prices have changed for their specific size, bed count, and area.
WHERE TO FIND: MarketReports> YEARLY: Sales & Pricing
WHAT WE KNOW: In this example, we can see that the median sale for homes in this mid-sized 2000-2700 sqft range have increased by $225,000 in this area. This stat provides a good ballpark for 12-year changes in the market for a property of average quality with no major improvements in that time period.

Visualize Home Values
WHY: Using visual tools in your pricing conversations can help you to more easily talk through the market value of your client's home, all the while showcasing your expertise on the local market.
WHAT WE KNOW: In this example, a 2-bedroom home with 900 sqft of average quality would likely be valued around $120,000 based on recent sales. In looking at active listings, we can see that the 6 in this price range have all been on the market for at least 40 days. Half have dropped their asking price which seems to occur in those with a higher $/sqft. This might be something to keep in mind as normal in this market if this seller wants to be more aggressive in their asking $/sqft.

Research Inventory
WHY: Understanding the key talking points on inventory across your market can help you to better guide prospective clients and showcase your insights beyond simply what they can see on the portals.
WHERE TO FIND: MarketReports> MONTHLY: Inventory
WHAT WE KNOW: In this example, we can take away several useful talking points about this market. (1) Asking prices are now at an all-time high ($206/sqft) signaling strong seller confidence. (2) Homes in the lower $200K-$399K are driving that momentum with exploding sale activity and relative shortage of homes on the market now. (3) Homes in this price range make up about 40% of single family inventory in this area.

Support Price Drops
WHY: Repositioning your listing in the market with a price drop is never ideal for a seller but can sometimes be a necessary move to help the property sell. Supporting a price reduction with the right data will help you to guide your client toward the best possible outcome and demonstrate your added value in the transaction.
WHERE TO FIND: MarketReports> MONTHLY: Price Drops
WHAT WE KNOW: In this example, with a $300K listing, we can see that a 6% reduction seems to be the market norm for this price amount that is, luckily, much lower than the 14% norm we are seeing for lower priced properties. Once the price drop has been marketed, we can also see that, over 70 new pendings last month, the typical price drop went under contract after 9 days. (This can be explored further in DASHBOARDS)

Evaluate Offers
WHY: Although the decision to accept, reject, or counter an offer is ultimately up to your seller, a value-add agent will always have supporting data from the market available when needed. Understanding the timing and escalations from similar recent sales can help your client in gaining the piece of mind to move forward to a close they are satisfied with.
WHAT WE KNOW: In this example, we may finally receive an offer after 50 days for 2% under asking. By looking at recent sales with similar days on market, we can see that -1.8% under asking is a normal winning offer for similar properties on the market for 40-60 days. This information can give our client piece of mind that, in accepting, their decision would be very much in line with other transactions in the current market.

MarketReports: Intro Tutorial
Dashboards: Intro Tutorial
ComparisonReports: Intro Tutorial